Restaurants & Food

Spice Dog Curry & Cafe in Shimoda

Spice Dog

下田行ったらここでしょ!というファンも多いSpice Dog Curry and Cafeそれもそのはず、下田でお店をはじめて30年以上も営業されているんです。 広い店内にはたくさんのサーフボード、楽器やミュージシャンのポスターが飾ってあったり、雑誌や本もたくさん。 Read More

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Juice cleanse at Retreat wabi-sabi Shimoda


Retreat wabi-sabiにご宿泊のお客様向けにジュースクレンズプランの販売を開始します。 伊豆の新鮮な野菜や果物を使ったコールドプレスジュースで丸一日のファスティングを中心にクレンズ初日のヨガ、前日の準備食、クレンズ後の回復食までがセットになった2泊3日のプランです。 Read More

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takenoko (bamboo shoot) steak


竹の子狩りの期間(4/1~5/5)だけ期間限定で営業されている、竹の子づくしのお食事処です。 私たちも大好きな竹の子ですが、下田に来るまでは本当の美味しさを知りませんでした。 Read More

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Vegetarian in Shimoda (and tips for vegans in Japan)

When I first came to Japan 20 years ago, it was a real challenge to remain vegetarian. There were very few restaurants that catered to non-meat eaters and very few servers understood when I asked for something without meat, “niku … Read More

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Tobiishi closed and reopened across the street. It’s our favorite Japanese breakfast spot. For 800 yen you get a perfectly grilled fish, rice, pickles, miso soup, an egg, and some nori (dried seaweed) and natto.  If you don’t like your … Read More

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地魚メインのお寿司屋さんです。 以前は回転寿司でしたが、コロナの影響か現在は注文して握っていただく形で営業されています。 アクセスの良さと気軽に入れる雰囲気ですが、金目鯛をはじめとした地元の魚を食べられることもあって、観光客を中心に人気で、休日は並んでいることも多い人気のお店です。 Read More

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下田の道の駅にあるRa-maruさんでは下田の名物金目鯛を使った下田バーガーを食べられます! 大きなバンズですが、そこからはみ出すくらいに大きい金目鯛のフライ、チーズ、たっぷりのレタスに分厚いトマトとボリューム満点! Read More

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Michi-no-eki (road station)

道 (Michi) means road, の (no) is a possessive like our ‘s, and 駅 (eki) means station. Together you have “Road Station“, which have all of the conveniences of a train station but is made for drivers and their cars. … Read More

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吉佐美の国道沿いにあるサウスカフェさんはいつも賑わっている人気店! 私たちも伊豆に来てから、自分たちだけで来たり、友人と来たり、スタッフのみんなと来たり、何度訪れたかわからないほど。 Read More

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Morinookurimono Bakery

Shimoda’s wood-burning-oven bakery is set in the heavens above. The scenic drive through the country side, then a hair-raising thrill ride up a steep and narrow mountain road is so worth your test of faith (and brakes!). Once you are … Read More

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nikuzuki-bbq- kawazu nanadaru falls

Nikuzuki in Kawazu

Nikuzuki means “meatmoon” but they also serve fish and noodles to feed the vegetarians and semi-vegetarians alike. The food is delicious and the location is amazing. We have decided this will go on the list of “What to do on … Read More

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shimoda seasfood local food izu fish


宿泊施設を運営していると、滞在されるお客様から、一番美味しいお店はどこですか?と聞かれることが多々あります。 その方の好みにもよりますし、下田にたくさんある美味しい飲食店から選ぶのも、なかなか難しい質問なのですが、ごろさやさんをオススメしています。 Read More

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Fontaine bakery and cafe shimoda kisami

Fontaine Bakery & Cafe

I think most foreigners living in Japan would agree that there are not enough breakfast places around. So I am happy to have discovered a great new spot with fluffy omelettes, toast, Italian coffee and freshly squeezed OJ.  UPDATE:  I’m … Read More

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Cafe Mellow Kisami Shimoda

Cafe Mellow

For those of you who have been visiting the Kisami area for sometime, you may have noticed that Paradise has been lost and in it’s place Cafe Mellow has set up shop. Although some of the changes will take some … Read More

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Naocacoan vegan delivery minami izu shimoda


If you have been in Japan a while and are trying to maintain a plant-based diet, you know that your options can be pretty limited if you want to eat out. I was a fairly strict vegetarian when I came … Read More

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Happy Buddha Smoothies

Happy Buddha Smoothies is a little hard to find but totally worth the extra effort. To get there take the main road and turn at the entrance for Irita Beach (between Re-mix and the Chinese restaurant). Instead of following the … Read More

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Maru Cafe

Maru Cafe is set in a quaint old Japanese house just steps from Maiso Beach to get there you need to cross the river. We recommend taking the wooden board-walk along the river then use the overhanging bridge, Maru Cafe … Read More

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Manpo Himono

When Japanese people travel to the sea they naturally want to eat fish. It makes sense, what’s local and in season, is tastiest! Overseas a great majority of Japanese restaurants serve sushi but within Japan, the percentage of sushi shops … Read More

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Cubstar Cafe

If you love a good sandwich, like I love a good sandwich, you have got to check out cubstar in Shimoda. They have a Panini lunch special to please everyone. A veggie version with mozzarella and cheese, the pescetarian special … Read More

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On the Beach

私たちもよく利用させていただくのですが、ハーブカジキ&バルサミコソースが特にお気に入りです。柔らかくハーブの効いたカジキの身にバルサミコがすごく合うんです。 Read More

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